Club Meetings

Open to the public

Come as our guest if your interested & just hang out.


  • 2nd Thursday of each month.

  • Social hour 7:00 PM. Meeting begins 7:30 PM.


History of

Byron Snow Bears

The Byron Snow Bears Snowmobile Club was established in 1973. Most of the members names have changed over time but the purpose still is to have fun and enjoy the sport of snowmobiling.

Currently we have around 70 families in our club. The club maintains approximately 30 miles of grant-in-aid snowmobile trail which is the main link around the west side of Rochester between Stewartville and Oronoco. This section of trail receives tremendous traffic due to the multiple areas to launch from. This in turn can make it challenging for club to keep it in good shape, but we do it. We also groom the Douglas Snowmobile trail for the DNR which is 13 miles, going from the Head of Douglas trail in Rochester to Pine Island. The Douglas Snowmobile Trail connects with grant-in-aid trails in multiple locations between Rochester and Pine Island.